Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chill Sunday

In college, Sundays are a blessing. For the people who partied it up the whole weekend, Sundays are their chance to catch up on all their homework before the week begins. For others who relaxed on the weekend, Sundays are yet another day to be chill. I'm in the latter group. In the past, I've worked at one of my scholarship jobs on Sunday from 3-7 and I HATED it. I didn't so much hate the job as I did having to work on a Sunday. Now, I don't have that problem.

Usually, I would sleep in like crazy on a Sunday, but I remembered that I needed to eat some fruit to jump start my metabolism since I'm doing the 90 Day Diet. Today is Pasta and Pizza day, and that makes me happy. I'm gonna make Tuna Helper later on today for my yummy pasta part. Then, later on, I will be making crepes with some friends. I have always wanted to try them so I'm excited to have a hand in the production process, as well. I love to cook! I was actually watching the "April in Paris" episode of 'My Fair Wedding with David Tutera' and he and his bride made awesome crepes. I wanted to climb through the TV and get some too!

But I will say hasta luego for now as I'm about to eat my oranges, drink a ton of water (gotta stay hydrated), and watch some awesome cartoon on Netflix. I am SO happy that they've added my childhood onto the Netflix Instant Queue as of December. I mean The Aristocats, The Rescuers, AND Pocahantas??????????? Awesomeness!